Best Life Insurance in Orange County, CA

The Best Insurance Company in Orange County!
Noel Insurance Services
According to the 2022 Insurance Barometer Report, 2 in 5 parents say they are not financially secure. The study stated, “Most households haven’t prepared for the loss of a primary wage earner.” They found that 44% of the families that they interviewed said that it would take less than six months for them to feel a financial hardship if this happened to their family.
As in last year’s study in 2021, 41 million Americans do not have life insurance. Life insurance is crucial, as it assures you that your loved ones will remain safe and well-catered for, even after you are gone. Insurance is designed to care for your dependents and beneficiaries when the policy owner ceases to exist.
You are probably searching for the right insurance company in Orange County for your needs if you are here. We help make everything easier by discussing why Noel Insurance makes it to the top of the list of the best life insurance companies in Orange County.
Noel Insurance is a company started in 2011 by Krystn Meier in a bid to serve the community.
As one of the most outstanding companies in Orange County, this company provides insurance covers tailored to meet individual specifications. They have different life insurance packages for people depending on their financial situation, medical condition, and age. We ensure that our clients have peace of mind no matter what happens in life by providing proper coverage.
At Noel Insurance, our unique value proposition is streamlining getting life insurance easy and efficient. We offer various life insurance products with the top insurance carriers to ensure that all your needs are covered.
Our Services
We specialize in insurance products, including:
Term life insurance
Term-life insurance services guarantee payment of a death benefit if the policy owner dies during a specified term. Under this policy, if a term expires, you can either convert the policy to a permanent arrangement or renew it for a new term. Alternatively, you can terminate the term insurance policy.
This type of life insurance is great for those who would like a cover with no saving components such as whole life insurance. It is also cheaper compared to permanent life insurance. This is usually based on the life expectancy, age, and health of the individual and can have terms lasting as little as ten years or as much as 20 years.
When you buy this type of insurance policy, the premiums will be based on parameters such as your age, health, gender, and the value of the policy. In some cases, we might require you to take a medical exam. Furthermore, we may need to know your medications, occupation, hobbies, family history, and even driving record.
If there is no death, there is no payout at the time of the policy’s expiration. However, in case of death during the policy term, we will pay the face value to your intended beneficiaries. The death benefit is then used to settle many financial issues for your family if you were to pass away unexpectantly. Also, your beneficiaries can use the funds to pay for items like outstanding mortgage balance, consumer debts, healthcare, and funeral costs. Life insurance is a type of financial investment that you can put in place to secure your loved ones after you are gone.
No exam life insurance
No exam life insurance is a type of insurance that moves away from the lengthy process associated with applying for traditional life insurance. This type of insurance eliminates the need for a medical exam. It is favored by those who feel that a medical exam may compromise their chances of purchasing life insurance.
Usually, other types of life insurance will require a medical exam provided by the life insurance companies. The company will send a technician to a place you choose to perform the exam and give you a copy of the results. The exam usually includes:
- A measure of your height and weight.
- A calculation of your BMI.
- Collection of blood and urine samples.
- A pulse and pressure check.
There may be additional tests, especially if the person applying is over 50. If you are in good health, you will qualify to apply for traditional policies. However, if you fear that the medical exam may compromise your chances of applying for the traditional options, you can choose no-exam life insurance.
There are two main types of no-exam life insurance. The first one is known as simplified issue life insurance. The process for applying for simplified issue life insurance will include a detailed questionnaire that will require details concerning your medical history and health information. Still, you will not be assessed in a medical exam.
The second type of no-exam life insurance is known as a guaranteed issue. This type requires only a few questions relating to your medical information.
Since this type of insurance does not include a medical exam, you will find that the coverage amounts are limited, and the premiums are high. However, the convenience of not having to deal with a medical exam, the fact that it can cover you even if you have health issues, and the quick approval of this type of insurance makes it a popular choice.
Life insurance policies for seniors
As an independent life insurance expert, Krystn understands that the elderly are a vulnerable demographic. They need all the care they can get. As a result, we have life insurance policies that are suitable for seniors.
High-risk life insurance
High-risk life insurance is for those who are considered risky to insure. At Noel Insurance, we specialize in high-risk life insurance; people who have had heart conditions, cancer, diabetes, and smokers are encouraged to apply. We also provide high-life insurance if you are involved in professions or hobbies that put you in life-threatening situations. Additionally, we provide insurance for people who are considered below-average health.
If by any chance, you fall under the category of high-risk individuals, you will find that you have limited coverage options, and the cost of a life insurance policy will be higher for you. In other cases, insurers will deny your application if you are a certain type of high-risk individual, such as above 81 years or with previous medical conditions. In many cases, insurance carriers will not cover you unless you prove that you have no health issues.
If you manage to buy life insurance as a high-risk individual, your coverage options will be limited and at higher rates. This usually happens because you pose a financial risk to the insurance company. In addition, in case of your demise, the insurance will need to pay death benefits sooner than for a person who has no high-risk factors.
An Award-Winning Insurance Agent to Your Rescue
Krystn Meier is an award-winning insurance agent that understands all your needs. Because of her desire to see a happy future for everyone, she bore the vision of Noel Insurance. With the company, the consumer can now get the best-priced policy available to them.
We work with top carriers such as Protective, AIG, Banner, American National, Prudential, and Mutual of Omaha for term insurance.
Top carriers for non-medical exams include ANICO, Assurity, Foresters, and Fidelity Life. In addition, for final expense, we work with carriers such as Aetna, Mutual of Omaha, American Amacible, Royal Neighbors of America, Prosperity Life, AIG, and Gerber. For the non-medical exam, the top carriers include ANICO, Assurity, Foresters, Fidelity Life, Lincoln, and SBLI.
1. Why Hire an Independent Insurance Agent?
When buying insurance, you are making a life choice. It is not as simple as going to the store with a shopping list that you will check off as you go. At one point or another, you will find yourself wondering whether you are making the right choices about your coverage and if you are getting your money’s worth.
At this juncture, many people consider working with an independent agent like Krystn Meier. But what exactly are the benefits of taking this approach to getting the best insurance cover? We explain below:
2. They give you choices
Independent insurance agents work with multiple insurance companies. Each of these companies provides different price points and coverage options. An independent agent may work with as many as five to nine companies, which means that you have access to all those companies in one go. Therefore, you will not receive a quote from one company, nor will you need to spend endless hours filling out applications so that you can compare quotes.
An agent has a thorough knowledge of the market and can instantly know the kind of insurance that will suit your needs. If you were going to make a poor choice, these agents would ensure that they find you something of better value. They will find an excellent price, service, and coverage option to make things easier for you.
3. They act as personal advisors and advocates
Apart from finding the right package for your needs, an insurance agent will ensure that you are adequately covered. Since you get to interact with them face-to-face on numerous occasions, they become personal advisors who understand your individual needs. They will help you make the right steps along the way, so you do not end up insurance-poor in case of any misfortune.
Furthermore, they will always stand up for you if need be. For example, if you have a claim or billing concern, they will help you tackle the situation. They also play an instrumental role when an insured person needs to change coverage.
4. One-stop-shopping consultants and lifetime consultants
Because of their wealth of knowledge and experience, independent insurance agents provide all the information you need under one roof. By extension, they can meet all your insurance needs through the different companies they represent. They can cover your car, home, and even business according to your needs.
Furthermore, independent insurance agents review the coverages of their clients every once in a while. Therefore, they can help you as your life evolves, making them lifetime companions and consultants for some people. They can help you make major decisions such as buying apartments or homes, getting married, starting a business, renovating the home, adding your children to your auto policy, and much more. If you stay consistent, you might have the same insurance agent guiding you through retirement.
5. They are professional and licensed
You can discuss insurance with your buddies all day or week. However, one thing you will realize is that each person’s circumstances are unique. Therefore, what works for one may not work for the other. While universal life insurance may work just fine for Jack, you may need a whole life insurance cover for your needs.
An independent insurance agent such as Krystn has worked in the same field for a long time. They have amassed a wealth of experience to discern different situations when clients come to them. A person that has made a career out of assessing the needs of their customers understands best the complexities of the field and how to match the needs of a customer with an insurance carrier.
As licensed professionals, insurance agents will help you ensure that you have the right business insurance, car insurance, dental insurance, and that your family and other valuable assets are properly protected in case of any eventualities.
6. They understand your needs
Independent insurance agents always live around the neighborhoods they serve. Quite literally, they are always around the corner. How exciting is it to think that you can always reach out to the friendly, neighborhood insurance agent?
An insurance agent who lives within Orange County will likely share in your values and understand the community’s challenges. In addition, they are usually involved in high-impact social activities such as local businesses, offering support to local organizations, and much more. Therefore, you should not be afraid to engage an insurance agent if you have plans to get insurance.
Reach Out to Us Today
Are you convinced that you need to hire an independent insurance agent for your needs?
We encourage you to reach out to us today if you need help with life insurance policies. You can start by filling out the form on our website. This process is simple and precise. Or, you can contact us at 877-817-2583. No matter your situation, we can find something that suits your needs.
If you live in Orange County, California, we are more than happy to set up a local meeting with you in our office or a zoom meeting if that is more comfortable for you.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How will I know if I need life insurance?
Knowing that you need life insurance is easy. One of the best ways to determine if you need life insurance is ascertaining whether you have dependents. Whether it is your parents, children, or spouse, you need life insurance.
Additionally, a household member who contributes to cooking, childcare, or cleaning can hold a policy that replaces the labor. Lastly, you will also need life insurance. If you have debts such as student loans and mortgages, you may consider taking life insurance.
What does life insurance cover?
Life insurance covers a wide range of expenses, including:
- Children’s college expenses
- Student loans and other co-signed debts
- Family living expenses
- Burial expenses
- Stay-at-home expenses
- Loans within the family
- Estate taxes and many more
What can the beneficiary do to receive benefits after the death of an insurance holder?
A beneficiary is an entity or person named as the recipient of a deceased policy holder’s death benefit. You could name anyone to be the beneficiary. Many people usually choose family members. However, it is not strange to find someone choosing someone unrelated to or even a business to receive their policy’s death benefit.
As the policyholder, you can choose a beneficiary or more without permission from the beneficiary or the insurer. If there is more than one beneficiary, you will need to be specific on how you would want the death benefit to be split. You can also choose contingent beneficiaries as sometimes; the intended beneficiaries may pass on before you.
In many cases, the insurer will disburse death benefits to beneficiaries when the policyholders die. However, it is a good idea to let the beneficiary know about the policy to act appropriately if a problem comes up. It is recommended that the beneficiary have access to the contract.
It is worth noting that the insurer will require a copy of the contract and proof of death to process and disburse the benefit to the right beneficiary.
Can an employer provide sufficient coverage for your needs?
Life insurance is a part of the benefits package provided by different employers. However, whether the insurance is sufficient is not a black or white answer as it will depend on your needs and financial situation.
Generally, life insurance is more expensive for at-risk people such as the elderly. However, if you are poor in health or elderly, you may stick to the life insurance offered by your employer and medicare supplement insurance coverage if you cannot afford to buy insurance. Alternatively, you can reach out to a reliable, independent insurance agent to help you figure out your financial situation and what needs to be done for your ultimate financial security.
Will the insurance company ask for your social security number?
Yes, insurance companies routinely ask for clients’ security numbers. All this is for a good reason. They have to check the Medical Information Bureau, confirm your identity, check your credit report and criminal record, and review your prescription history with the social security number.