heart disease scaled 1

Can I get life insurance with Heart Disease?

As we know life can change in a heartbeat… Many individuals living with heart disease question if they can ever purchase life insurance. Some individuals have tried, but have been turned down for a variety of reasons. The best reason to use an experienced agent is to avoid the pitfalls one can run into when…
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seniors over 60

Life Insurance for Seniors over 60!

Life insurance has been a part of your financial plan for most of your life, but now you’re wondering if you need the coverage at this age.  Even though you’re at a different stage in life it can be just as important for you to continue your coverage. At this age, seniors are starting to transition…
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life insurance for 59 year olds

Life Insurance Rates for 59 Years Olds: Why You Should Always Choose Medically Underwritten Life Insurance

As you near your sixties and beyond, a bigger concern about life insurance is whether or not you will be able to qualify for term life coverage at your age. These concerns only worsen if you have a high risk disease or condition.  We get a lot of questions from clients who have seen companies…
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common life insurance mistakes

Best Life Insurance for 52-Year-Olds: How Much Life Insurance Do You Actually Need?

Today in our 50s series, we are going to focus on age 52. If you are looking for a policy at this – or any – age, you should take the time to carefully consider how much life insurance you actually need.  Millions of Americans shopping for a life insurance policy face confusion as to…
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life insurance for 58 year olds

Best Life Insurance for 58-Year-Olds: Wills vs. Life Insurance Policies: Do You Need Both?

If you are applying for a life insurance policy or planning on renewing your policy in your fifties, you probably have a lot of questions.  One of the most common questions we get is whether or not a will can suffice in lieu of a life insurance policy. After all, both seemingly perform the same…
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life insurance for 57 year old

Avoiding Common Life Insurance Scams

Life insurance is not always a cut-and-dry industry.  Frequently, it is confusing and convoluted, and it can be difficult to tell if the the policy you’ve purchased is the one that will work for you.  This is probably the main reason we recommend you seek the help of an independent life insurance agent. These individuals…
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life insurance for 56 years old

Best Life Insurance for 56 Year Olds: For Life Insurance, Change Is Integral

Think back to what your life was like ten years ago. Chances are, you were a completely different person a decade ago than you are now, and that you faced different struggles and celebrated different life milestones. Now, think about the past year and how you have changed.  If there is one thing that is…
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life insurance for 55 year olds

Best Life Insurance Rates for 55 Year Olds

Let’s talk about heart health for a second; specifically, how your heart can prevent your from getting life insurance, particularly as you reach further into your fifties.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, with over 11.5% of adults experiencing heart disease in some form.…
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life insurance for 54 year old

Best Life Insurance Rates for 54 Year Olds

Have you ever gone into a clothing store and wandered around aimlessly? If you’re shopping just to shop, you may pick up anything that catches your eye.  In terms of clothing, this can end up being something that fits in perfectly with your wardrobe, or something that gathers dust in the back of your closet. …
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life insurance for 53 year old

Best Life Insurance Rates for 53 Year Olds

As you enter your early-to-mid fifties, your priorities shift.  You may start thinking about retirement, downsizing your home or seeing your family through life milestones, such as weddings and births. If you’re like most Americans, you probably aren’t thinking about prioritizing your life insurance.  At this age, life insurance should be at the forefront of…
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